Current Members
GENECROP was created in 2021 as an opportunity to channel the knowledge of various researchers from the Misión Biológica de Galicia and external collaborators from other entities. The human team that makes up this group is made up of 13 members, mostly doctors, who have developed their activity in different fields of the agri-food sector, and share the objective of improving plant production, the quality and safety of raw materials.

Marta Santalla
Scientific Researcher
Scientific researcher at MBG-CSIC from 2002 ( PhD in common bean genetics and breeding. A three years postdoctoral work with Don Grierson at Nottingham University (UK) in tomato ethylene synthesis and ripening of the fruit. She is leader of the Plant Development Genetics Group (

María-Carmen Martínez
Scientific Researcher
Scientific researcher at MBG-CSIC (, starting in the CSIC in 1987. PhD in 1992 in Behavior in the field of Vitis vinifera L. plants, produced by in vitro micropropagation. Two years postdoctoral stay at ENTAV (Le Grau du Roi-France) focused in variability of somaclones of Vitis vinifera L. with S. Grenan and J.M. Boursiquot. Current research includes the development of new products from the use of wine waste. It also works in the recovery of old olive varieties from humid areas and in the recovery of old cultivated roses used in the perfume industry. Transfer of plant and other materials (Licenses to exploit, industrial secret, Patents). She is leader of the Viticulture, Olive and Rose Group (

José Luís Santiago
Tenured Scientist

Bernardo Ordás
Tenured Scientist
Tenured Scientist at MBG-CSIC ( PhD from the University of Vigo in plant breeding (1998-2002), followed by a specialization in quantitative genetic at the University of Edinburgh with Prof WG Hill (2003-2005). He is leader of the group Crop Adaptation and Sustainability with two main lines of research: prebreeding of local varieties and Genetic studies of traits relevant to adaptation and sustainability: flowering, senescence, efficient use of water and nitrogen, etc

Ana M. González
Postdoctoral Researcher
PhD in biology in MBG-CSIC in 2001 ( She did a two years posdoctoral work witH R. Niks in Wageningen University (The Netherlands) on mechanism of partial resistance and hypersensitive specific genes in rust in barley. Upon her return, she became part of the Plant Development Genetics Group

Ana María Pesqueira
Postdoctoral Researcher

Susana Boso
Postdoctoral Researcher
Starting in MBG-CSIC in 2000. PhD in biology in MBG-CSIC in 2005 ( A two years postdoctoral work with Dr. Hans-Heinz Kasssemeyer in Staatliches Weinbauinstitut (SWI) Germany on fungal diseases grapevine, plant-pathogen interactions, and their management.

Pilar Gago
Postdoctoral Researcher
She began her scientific career in 2003, first at USC and then in 2005, she began her career at MBG. PhD in plant production in 2009 ( in MBG-CSIC. Then she did a two years posdoctoral work in Montpellier (France) collaborating with different research groups belonging to the INRA, Montpellier-SupAagro and the CIRAD. Her line of research has focused on the characterization and conservation of plant genetic resources of woody species.
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